Transform Ways of Working


A whole new world of work, needs to adopt a whole new way of working

"No matter our skills or experience, if the ‘engine‘ — the human brain — isn’t working well, or isn’t utilised properly, the results will become suboptimal’’

What we do, how we do it and the skills we need are all changing.

  • What role will AI play in our organisation?

  • What human skills will we need going forward?

Questions most leaders are asking themselves today. How much focus are you giving to looking at how to best use the brain capital in your organisation?


Future proof your company with support of the Sustainable Human Talent Framework.

We can help you strategically assess, structure and plan the human elements of your transformational journey.


The framework provides a brain-centric, holistic approach to the human elements at work. It focuses on six Brain Elements:

  1. Brain Focus: our focus and attention

  2. Brain Accessories: the technology & tools we use

  3. Brain Skills: our knowledge & experience

  4. Brain Health: the health & wellbeing of our brains

  5. Brain Energy: how we fuel our brain

  6. Brain Processes: the way we use our cognitive abilities

The Sustainable Human Talent Framework is supported by a suite of tools proven to facilitate healthier, more sustainable and productive working practices.

The two key supporting models BrainEnergy and BrainBox help organisations analyse, structure and optimise cognitive energy and performance. The flow²thrive Human Sustainability Index can help you baseline and track progress.


BrainEnergy: goes to the core of the human brain; what makes it thrive and work well, irrespective of where you work and what type of work that you do. It includes 16 work factors and habits which, backed up by neuroscience, can help individuals and teams alike to thrive; physically, mentally and cognitively.

BrainBox: goes beyond the traditional focus and flow, recognising that every task you perform requires a different brain network to be active. Each network works better in a specific place and space, and consumes different levels of energy. The model can help individuals narrowing in on how to use their brain’s to their best potential.

The flow²thrive Human Sustainability Index: goes to the heart of what makes the human brain thrive by focusing on 30+ factors, behaviours and habits scientifically proven to directly impact wellbeing, brain energy, productivity and performance.

Curious to know more? Send us an email